Why Creativity is Essential for Employee Engagement, Problem-Solving and Sustainable GROWTH

Whether you’re a Founder, Senior Leader or HR director building a creative culture can be a game-changer. Studies from Harvard Business Review, McKinsey, and Deloitte reveal that creativity isn’t just an asset for large, established firms—it’s a key driver for employee engagement, innovative problem-solving, and long-term, sustainable growth for businesses of all sizes.

Need to build the case for creativity or want to understand more?
Here you’ll find insights, data, and resources showing how a culture of creativity can support your growth goals, help your team stay engaged, and enable your business to adapt to the challenges ahead.

Time to Transform Leadership Development: Why Potentializing People Is the New Employee Engagement

How to create “human magic” — the unleashing of creativity and productivity across the workforce.


The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work

An academic paper that examines how progress in meaningful work boosts inner work life and creativity.


Creativity as a Catalyst for Business Growth

In association with Canva, Harvard Business Review Analytic Services surveyed more than 500 business professionals on the benefits and challenges of fostering creativity within the workplace.


Study Shows Businesses Need More Creativity: Here’s How

Creativity is the currency of business today. Too often people think of creativity as something assigned to the “creatives” in design or marketing, yet every employee at every level can make a more substantial contribution by bringing innovative thinking to work every day.


How to develop a problem-solving mindset

Explores the role of creativity in effective problem-solving and decision-making.



To solve complex problems, adapt to change and drive innovation companies need to embrace creative problem solving.


What is design thinking?

Outlines how design thinking—a creative problem-solving approach—can drive business value and innovation


From ideas to impact: Cultivating a culture of innovation at work

The pace and magnitude of the changes organisations must contend with today have made creating a culture of innovation an absolute necessity.

Occasional innovation is not enough to remain competitive or support long-term survival.


the future of work: the most in-demand skills now - and beyond

Businesses surveyed for the report believe demand for creative thinking will grow faster in the next five years – by 73% – than demand for analytical thinking.


Creativity in the business environment plays a vital role in driving innovation, differentiation, and overall success. It involves thinking outside the box, challenging conventional norms, and generating new ideas and approaches.
— Digital Leadership
What we had done was create an environment where employees were excited to express their untapped individual and collective potential. It’s in that environment that Best Buy’s purpose of improving lives through technology has been able to materialize and blossom.
— Huber Joly 'Unleashing Human Magic' (HBR)

The numbers


Mckinsey found that companies with a strong focus on creativity and innovation outperformed their peers in revenue growth by 60%,



World Economic Forum lists creativity as one of the top three skills needed for the future workforce, alongside complex problem-solving and critical thinking.



According to a Gallup report, companies with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable, and fostering a creative, innovative culture is key to keeping employees engaged & invested in their work.



According to a study by Adobe, companies that foster creativity achieve 1.5 times greater market share and are 50% more likely to report a commanding leadership position in their market.


How do you match up? Find out if you’re taking the Creativity Advantage…

How we help make creativity a core competency

Targeted Workshops – For Immediate Impact

Our workshops are a great place to start. Designed to tackle a specific challenge or when you need to get unstuck fast, spark fresh ideas, or introduce teams to creative problem-solving methods so you can really forge ahead.

We get you moving.


Through focused training and coaching, Spark + Forge equips individuals and teams with the creative skills and insights they need to solve problems effectively and drive meaningful growth.

We give you the power.

Culture BUILDING - for lasting impact

Building a creative culture is about embedding a mindset and practices that keep innovation alive across your organisation. Combine workshops, coaching and training to inspire a movement and make the mindset shift.

We help you build the capability and make it stick.

get in touch

Ready to unlock creativity?

We’d love to chat about helping you forge ahead.

Book in a 45 min appointment or please complete the form below.